• AAC

    Autorité de l'Aviation Civile

  • AD

    Attestation de Destination : Administrative document certifying Congolese freight that OGEFREM generally issues to seaports of transit countries to ensure cargo coverage


    Agence NAtionale de Promotion des Investissement

  • ANR

    Agence Nationale de Renseignements

  • ARA

    Avis de Refus d'Attestation : Resulting from the refusal of the inspection company following the pre-shipment check in the country of origin

  • AUR

    Prefix given to an authorization request subject to Customs approval in the GUICE (example: request for amendment of the manifest)

  • AV

    Attestation de Vérification : It is given by the person responsible for the goods (generally shipping agent) to the claiming freight forwarder during the documentary exchange. This is also the status given to goods in the GUICE.


  • BAD

    Bon A Délivrer : It is given by the person responsible for the goods (generally shipping agent) to the claiming freight forwarder during the documentary exchange. This is also the status given to goods in the GUICE.

  • BCC

    Banque Centrale du Congo

  • BBK

    BreakBulK : Identifier assigned for the announcement of conventional goods (e.g. boxes, bags, etc.)

  • BFU

    Bordereau de Frais Unique : It brings together different invoices from the structures issuing a pre-customs clearance file or the logistics file.

  • BL

    Bill Of Lading Is a document linked to the transport of goods, proof of the transport contract and acknowledgment of the taking over or placing on board of the goods by the carrier as well as the latter's commitment to deliver the goods against submission of this document. It is a real title of ownership which is transmitted by endorsement.


  • CEEC

    Centre d'Evaluation, d'Expertise et de Certification

  • CIF

    Cost Insurance & Freight (Incoterm)

  • CNT

    CoNTeneur : This is the identifier assigned to the container when it was announced in the GUCE.


    Name of the EDIFACT standard message used to transmit unloading movements


    Name of the EDIFACT standard message used to transmit land entry and exit movements (Container Gate In / Gate Out report)


    COnfédération des Petites Et Moyennes Entreprises du Congo


    Name of the message in the EDIFACT standard used to transmit an authorization given by a structure. (COntainer RElease ORder)


    Message to the EDIFACT standard relating to the declaration of customs freight transported on a means of transport, generally used for the transmission of the manifest. (CUStoms CARgo Report)

  • CVEE

    Certificat de Vérification d'Exportation et d'Embarquement : Document issued by the OCC attesting to the quality, quantities and real value of the goods exported and shipped

  • CVM

    Congolaise des Voies Maritimes


  • DEB

    Déclaration d'Exportation de Biens : Application required for any export over $2,500 CIF, made by the exporter and delivered by a commercial bank or the BCC (ex LEB)

  • DGDA

    Direction Générale des Douanes et Accises

  • DGI

    Direction Générale des Impôts


    Direction Générale des Recettes et Accises Domaniales


    Direction Générale des Recettes du Kongo Central

  • DIB

    Déclaration d'Importation de Biens : Application required for any export over $2,500 CIF, made by the importer and issued by a commercial bank or the BCC (ex LIB)

  • DOC

    Prefix given to a Document announcing the goods when it is registered in the GUICE The announcement document brings together all the information shown on the transport document (BL, LTA, LVI), in particular the goods and their handling support, necessary for the formalities related to passing through a place.

  • DSE

    Déclaration Simplifiée d'Exportation


  • EDI

    Echange de Données Informatisé : term used when exchanging files between 2 computer systems.

  • EIR

    Equipment Interchange Receipt : Electronic or paper document issued by the handler when picking up or delivering a container to the carrier, it materializes the responsibility of an actor and the condition of the goods upon pick-up.

  • ETA

    Estimated Time of Arrival : Estimated date of arrival of a means of transport

  • ETD

    Estimated Time of Departure : Estimated departure date of a means of transport

  • EXP

    Identifier given to an Export File Loader File containing all the information necessary for preparing the export before carrying out the latter


  • FCI

    Folder Cargo In : Central file for the import freight agent. It brings together all the announcement documents, the various actions and authorizations relating to them. The FCI number is the identifier assigned to the agent file when it is created (1 FCI per agent trip)

  • FEC

    Fédération des Entreprises du Congo


    FEdération Nationale des Artisans, Petites et moyennes Entreprises du Congo

  • FERE

    Fiche Electronique de Renseignement à l'Exportation

  • FERI

    Fiche Electronique de Renseignement à l'Importation : Congolese sea freight cover document which provides all cargo information from the port of shipment

  • FIN

    Folder Inbound : This is the forwarder file, it associates it with the announcement document as well as the pre-customs clearance file for which it was appointed. It is also the identifier assigned to a Forwarding file when it is created.

  • FOB

    Free On Board : Incoterm

  • FPI

    Fonds de Promotion de l'Industrie

  • FSI

    Folder Shipper Inbound : This is the importer's file, the identifier given when the file was created

  • FXI

    Folder eXpedition Inbound : This is the Chargeur import shipping file, it is also the identifier given when the file was created. This identifier must be carried by the approved customs broker mandated on the declaration in ASYCUDA World. It is also present in the forwarder's file - GUICE pre-clearance module

  • FXO

    Folder eXpedition Outbond : This is the export shipping file and the Identifier given to an Export Shipping File Loader Pre-clearance module of the GUICE


    Guichet Unique Intégral du Commerce Intégral


  • HAWB

    House AirWayBill : This is the Air Waybill (LTA)

  • HBL

    House Bill of Lading : Document used during groupage shipments by the sea freight consolidator and given to the shipper

  • HU

    Handling Unit : handling unit


  • ICI

    Inland Carrier Identification : The identification of the carrier makes it possible to name the party concerned by the handling of the goods. This action is generally carried out by the freight forwarder (Merchant Haulage) and can also be carried out by the shipping agent (Carrier Haulage). This is also the identifier assigned to the validation of this function

  • IM4

    Type and procedure code of an import declaration - Release for consumption

  • IM7

    Type and procedure code of an import declaration - Placement in bonded warehouse


    International COmmercial TERM


    Computer link which allows the exchange of files between two computer systems, thus avoiding double entries


  • LEB

    Licence d'Exportation de Biens : Now called Goods Export Declaration

  • LBK

    Liquid BulK : Identifier assigned to Liquid Bulk type goods

  • LIB

    Licence d'Importation de Biens : Now called Goods Import Declaration

  • LMC

    Lignes Maritimes Congolaises

  • LT

    Lettre de Transport

  • LTA

    Lettre de Transport Aérien


  • MOB

    MOBil Unit : Identifier assigned for the announcement of rolling goods - all types of vehicles


  • NIF

    Numéro d'Identifiant Fiscal

  • Notification

    Message automatically transmitted by the GUICE to a subscriber actor possibly including an attachment. It can be a PDF document, a file in the format previously defined with the recipient to inform them of the creation or update of an object (travel for example), of an event , a status update, the processing of a network file by interface, an authorization


  • OCC

    Office Congolais de Contrôle : Company for controlling the quality, quantity and conformity of products throughout the territory of the DRC


    Office de Gestion du FREt Multimodal : DRC Shippers Council


  • RORO

    ROll on - ROll Off : Refers to rolling goods

  • RVA

    Régie des Voies Aériennes

  • RVF

    Régies des Voies Fluviales


  • SBK

    Solid BulK : Identifier assigned to Solid Bulk goods

  • SCTP

    Société Commerciale des Transports et Ports : Ensures the activities of Port Authority, handler, rail transporter in particular

  • SNCC

    Société Nationale des Chemins de fer du Congo


    Système DOuaNIer Automatisé


  • TBD

    TransBorDement : Indicator allowing the identification of goods transhipped or to be transhipped from one means of transport to another means of transport

  • TR8

    Type and procedure code of a transit declaration with a view to obtaining authorization to exit a customs office for transfer to another customs office

  • T1

    Transit document established by the carrier covering the authorization of movement of goods between 2 customs offices


  • UM

    Unité de Manutention : Handleable unit, Container, Vehicle, conventional batch


  • VAG

    Voyage AGent : Identifier given to the freight agent trip - commercial and logistical information in the direction of arrival (import) and direction of departure (export)

  • VOA

    VOyage Aérien : Identifier given to an air transport announcement

  • VOB

    VOyage Barge : Identifier given to a water transport announcement

  • VOR

    VOyage Road : Identifier given to a land transport advertisement

  • VOS

    VOyage Shipping : Identifier given to a maritime stopover announcement

  • VOT

    VOyage Train : Identifier given to a rail transport advertisement