juin 15, 2022

Commission of Procedures in Kolwezi: In anticipation of the launch of mining export

The improvement of the business climate and the reduction of the time of the cost of export and import in the mining sector are the matters which made think the commission of procedure held in Kolwezi for the continuation of the implementation of GUICE.

Together with the agents of SEGUCE RDC, the representatives of the provincial authorities (Minister of Foreign Trade, General Commissioner in charge of the economy and provincial foreign trade,...) presented the objective of launching the work related to the dematerialization of mining procedures as well as the related positive impact. These include maximizing state revenue, traceability and transparency in the mining sector.

While thanking the audience as well as the SEGUCE agents, the Commissioner General encouraged them while recalling that GUICE brings modernity to services by dematerializing procedures at a single point.

Thus, the actual launch of the mining export module is scheduled for the end of June 2022.